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Greg Pasternack
LT Vice Chair
Greg Pasternack is a Full Professor at University of California at Davis in the Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources. He has 25 years of experience working on fluvial [...]
Michael Stewardson
LT Chair
Michael Stewardson is a Professor in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at The University of Melbourne. He is Discipline Leader for Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources. [...]
Francisco Martinez-Capel
Past Chair
Paco is Professor in the Dept. of Hydraulic Eng. and Environment at Universitat Politècnica de València. He is President of the Iberian River Restoration Centre (CIREF) whose geographical area covers [...]
Chris Katopodis
Journal EIC
Christos Katopodis, P.Eng., FCSCE, Katopodis Ecohydraulics Ltd. International consultant and Advisor on international research programs. Co-Editor in Chief for the IAHR Journal of Ecohydraulics. [...]
Valerie Oullet
LT Member
Dr. Val Ouellet is a research fellow at the University of Birmingham and The Institute for Global Innovation (UK). She is mainly interested in understanding what drives water temperature changes [...]
Ana Bustos
LT Member
Research Scientist at SINTEF, Norway. She has developed her PhD in Ecohydraulics and her Master in freshwater ecosystem restoration. Ana has been part of the Ecohydraulics community since 2014 when [...]
Shinji Fukuda
LT Member
Shinji Fukuda is an Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in the Department of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering. He has been working on data-driven ecohydraulic modelling using [...]
Marie-Pierre Gosselin
LT Member
Marie-Pierre Gosselin is a researcher at the Centre for Biorobotics in Tallinn, Estonia, where she carries out work on the use of sensors towards hydromorphological and ecohydraulic studies. She has [...]
Xiaodong Qu
LT Member
Dr. Xiaodong QU, Professor at the China Institute of Water Resource and Hydropower Research. He worked in the stream ecology more than 20 years and currently focused on the ecohydrology [...]
Hervé Capra
LT Member
Hervé Capra is a research director in the unit RiverLy at Irstea in Lyon (France). His main research topics are stream physical habitat modelling, fish-habitat relationships, fish population or community [...]
Sung-Uk Choi
LT Member
Sung-Uk Choi is a full professor in School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, KOREA. His research area includes eco-hydraulics, computations of turbulent flows, and sediment transport. He is [...]